Camp Blanding Joint Training Center, FL, USA
Camp Blanding Joint Training Center (CBJTC) is the Florida National Guard's premier training site in North-Central Florida. The 73,000-acre post provides resources to enhance joint, interagency, intergovernmental and multinational training in support of the United States, state and local communities.

"The Tait system is user-friendly, and remains consistent and reliable across a 73,000 acre installation. "
Tait worked with the local Tait channel partner On-Site Communications and Florida National Guard staff to determine the mission requirements for their range safety, training and garrison communications. Their three sites were surveyed and existing assets were documented. An ideal end state was agreed upon by all Guard stake-holders that met all of their mission requirements. The Guard’s budget did not permit all of the work to be completed in the first year, so Tait offered a series of phased implementations, one for each fiscal year to ultimately reach the ideal end state as budgets allowed.
The system is now at three VHF P25 conventional channels, providing coverage across the training area and for many miles off-base in all directions. Additional users easily join the network each year, and the system has reliably met the Guard’s training mission for over five years.
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Outback Communications rented Tait Communications products to provide their network.

The U.S. Army’s JMRC (Joint Multinational Readiness Center) is the only U.S. Training Area located outside of the United States. JMRC provides a myriad of indispensable capabilities to the U.S. Army, European allies and other partners.

Transitioning from Tait analog to a digital system has provided the Hobbiton Movie Set with clear and reliable voice communications.