EP Petroecuador, Ecuador
EP Petroecuador is the national oil and gas company of Ecuador, specializing in transport, refinement, storage, and sales of oil and gas derivatives both domestically and internationally. Oil and gas are a significant part of the Ecuadorian economy, with state projects supported by revenues.
EP Petroecuador's operations cover the entire Ecuadorian territory and integrate teams from operations, security, and administration.

"Being able to rely on a nationwide talkgroup with excellent coverage plus the transparent integration between the DMR system and our IP Telephony are the greatest benefits that the Tait DMR tier II network has given EP Petroecuador. "
Health and safety are a priority for EP Petroecuador and so they needed a robust radio solution that would deliver reliable coverage across the nation, with the capability to create talkgroups, incorporate IP solutions, and use GPS location services.
As oil and gas operations are hazardous, it was crucial that a new solution could be seamlessly migrated to from their existing analog network with no down-time.
EP Petroecuador sought a communications supplier committed to open standards so the new solution could integrate with other technology systems being used in the company.
EP Petroecuador chose a Tait solution because of the quality and support that Tait are known for, as well as the value for money the solution provided.
Tait designed and deployed a phased migration from the existing analog network to Tait DMR Tier 2. The carefully designed and deployed migration was seamless, allowing EP Petroecuador to continue operating during the process.
The solution has 18 voice and data channels, with a nationwide logical channel for critical operations across the entire company.
Ecuador's varied topography means there were several sites that needed to reach fixed-base radios that were over 230km (143 miles) away. Tait engineers developed software that gives base stations the time needed to receive a response from the fixed radios.
A Cisco Unified Call Manager Cube was connected to the Tait network to allow for more efficient communications between the administrative and operational teams.
Local Tait dealer Lambda-Tec Cía. Ltda. was instrumental in the deployment of the network and training of EP Petroecuador staff. They continue to provide maintenance to the network when required.
Most importantly, EP Petroecuador staff can now communicate more clearly with quality, reliable voice channels on a DMR network.
Using DMR has given EP Petroecuador the ability to create talkgroups that align with the different divisions of the company. This separation significantly decreases radio noise from unrelated communications, and guarantees availability of communications for different divisions and groups within EP Petroecuador.
Integration between the Tait DMR Tier 2 system and the existing Cisco IP Telephone system has allowed real-time communications between administrative and operational teams during critical situations. This has enhanced both safety and efficiency of work.
As well as voice communications, DMR can send data and text messaging over the radio network. This means teams at EP Petroecuador can send information such as job status, site arrival and departure details, and repair requests from their radios.
A reliable, nationwide DMR Tier 2 logical channel allows EP Petroecuador to have a medium dedicated for complex and emergency operations across their entire pipeline.
AEx standards and safety features such as Lone Worker, Man Down, and emergency calls all align with EP Petroecuador's health and safety policies, and provide peace of mind for those in the field.
Teams working for EP Petroecuador trust the new communications solution and are confident working with the new equipment. This is due to reliable and high-performing hardware and technology from Tait, as well as user training provided by Tait and local Tait dealer Lambda-Tec Cía. Ltda.
Management and monitoring of the network is simplified for system administrators allowing them to prioritize their work and improve efficiency.
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