Mining, Oil and Gas
Solutions for Mining, Oil and Gas Communications
We help Resource and Energy operations improve worker safety and drive up efficiency, with robust mining, oil and gas communications solutions for the harshest of environments. Learn more about how we help by exploring the following mining, oil and gas solutions.
Reliable communications are required for continuous and efficient mining, oil and gas operations. Tait voice and data applications work together to keep your resource organization producing.

Worker Safety is a top priority for mining, oil and gas operations around the world. Keeping them connected and informed is key to a safe and efficient workplace. Learn how applications and features like Man Down and Intrinsically Safe can help your organization.

Migrating to digital carries many benefits for Mining, Oil and Gas, but radio system owners need confidence that system upgrades will be completed smoothly, on time, on budget and without disruption to system availability. Tait expertise, knowledge, and products can help ensure you experience an easy migration.

Cyber-crime and terrorism are growing security challenges that resource organizations must address.
Newmont Goldcorp Boddington Gold Mine, WA, Australia

DMR Tier 3 Radio Networks

Tait Private LTE

Tait GeoFencing

Our Resources for Mining, Oil & Gas

The latest development from Omnitronics’ omnicore dispatch software is the implementation of a blast alarm workflow that ensures assets and personnel are evacuated when a controlled explosion occurs throughout a mine site.

The Australian Mining Review recently caught up with Tait Partners Direct Communications in Western Australia, to gain their expert knowledge on the latest trends in communications that can support the safety of work personnel in the mining sector. They learned how Tait base stations and remote fault diagnostics were making life easy..

Australian Newmont Goldcorp Boddington gold mine automated its blast warning procedure, allowing workers to clearly hear alert tones playing directly from their radios.

ConsMin Australia is a high-grade producer of manganese ore at the Woodie Woodie mine operation. Manganese is mainly used in the production of steel. The Woodie Woodie mine is a 24-hour, seven-day operation and runs with a crew of 400 on site at any time.

Petrobras is one of the world's leading oil companies and the largest company in Brazil. It is the dominant player in the Brazilian market, responsible for all hydrocarbon activities in the country, and is the third largest industrial company in Latin America.

EP Petroecuador is the national oil and gas company of Ecuador, specializing in transport, refinement, storage, and sales of oil and gas derivatives both domestically and internationally.