Other Industries
Featured Client Story
Large Central City Campus, London, UK
The large central London campus is a 22-acre site and sits south of the river Thames. It is a vast and lively mixed-use environment with office, retail, and open spaces, along with private residential apartments. With world-class food, shopping, and entertainment, as well as some of the best London tourist attractions, the campus is a busy area year-round.

Featured Client Story
Camp Blanding Joint Training Center, FL, USA
Camp Blanding Joint Training Center (CBJTC) is the Florida National Guard's premier training site in North-Central Florida. The 73,000-acre post provides resources to enhance joint, interagency, intergovernmental and multinational training in support of the United States, state and local communities.

Featured Client Story
Bath Rugby - UK
Founded in 1865, Bath Rugby is one of the oldest and most successful clubs in existence. Today Bath Rugby is a professional rugby union club, competing in the Avivia Premiership. Bath's home ground is the Recreation Ground ("The Rec"), a 14,509 capacity stadium in the centre of Bath.

Featured Client Story
Hobbiton™ Movie Set - New Zealand
The Hobbiton Movie Set is one of New Zealand's must-see tourist attractions, with iconic sets that featured in the Peter Jackson directed The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit trilogy films. Occupying 12 acres in the midst of a working farm, and with over 200 staff members, the set sees up to 3,000 visitors a day in peak season. Fully guided tours take staff and visitors all over the site, often out of range of cellphone coverage. With current health and safety requirements and various groups of staff collaborating to create a seamless and authentic experience, reliable communication is a must.

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The Marine Rescue of Western Australia is a not-for-profit organisation with more than 1,400 volunteers who are tasked with keeping mariners along more than 20,000km (13,000 miles) of Western Australian Coastline safe. Tait partners Omnitronics and Direct Communications are supplying a marine rescue dispatch solution for mariners along the Western Australia coastline.

A law enforcement agency automated their communications bearer selection to ensure lone workers could communicate with dispatchers in areas outside radio or cellular network coverage.

Zero Harm represents the ultimate measure of a successful health and safety policy. Organizations and industries throughout the world aim for this honorable target, but few have yet to achieve it.