Our Values

Our Core Values

Commitment to Listen
We know that one size does not fit all. So we listen to your needs and design solutions that enable clear communication, both now and in the future.

Courage to Act
We push technology forward, innovating and experimenting to create communication solutions that exceed your expectations, but not your budget.

Integrity to Deliver
We don't hide behind contracts or charge hidden fees. We work hard to guarantee your satisfaction, then we stand beside you for the life of your network.
Our Causes
Tait Communications is committed to helping create better, safer and stronger communities. Our primary shareholder is a charitable foundation charged with continuing the vision of our founder, Sir Angus Tait, to "create an industry, not a business". This allows us to share profit across several investment streams responsible for research and development, regional reinvestment and education.
Organizational Health and Safety
Our people are the company's most important assests, and ensuring their health and safety is paramount to providing a positive and productive working environment. Read our Tait Global Health and Safety (OSH) Policy for a more information.
Purpose and Scope
Tait is committed to the prevention of harm to anyone who is affected by our operations, including our employees, contractors, and visitors, and we aim to continually improve by proactively identifying and actively managing risks.
Our people are the company’s most important asset and key to our success. To guarantee productive working environments for our teams across the world, a primary responsibility is to provide healthy and safe workplaces. This policy outlines the expectations and guiding health and safety principles for Tait Communications’ global operations.
Key Principles
Tait Communications provides healthy and safe working conditions for its workers. We believe these conditions set the foundation for a working environment that promotes safe workplaces, safe practices, efficiency, and productivity among our global teams.
At Tait Communications, from the Board to the office and shop floor, we focus on the effective management of risks and ensuring compliance with all relevant local occupational safety and health (OSH) laws and regulations across our global operations. While policies and guidelines are in place, we also expect workers to take a personal interest in and responsibility for health and safety in their workspaces. All managers and individuals are encouraged to contribute positively to consultation opportunities and include health and safety principles in their planning and day-to-day activities. We require workers to take care of their own health and safety and ensure their actions don't cause harm by complying with reasonable instructions, policies and procedures about how to work in a safe and healthy way.
The Tait International Limited Board, as governor of the business, sets health and safety expectations and strategy. The Health and Safety Board Charter defines these, demonstrates the Board’s legislative due diligence obligations, and identifies how OSH is managed within the company.
In accordance with good-practice guidelines, the company is committed to continual improvement in:
- Hazard and risk management
- Incident and injury management
- Emergency management
- Employee participation and consultation processes
- Adequately resourcing the management of health and safety
Our key risks include employee travel; injury related to repetitive physical work activities; hazards associated with designing, manufacturing, and servicing of products; and the deployment of products across global sites. We regularly develop measure and monitor health and safety objectives and targets to aid the continuous improvement of our management of health and safety.
In our commitment to good-practice health and safety procedures, we maintain accurate records of all worker participation, engagmener, inspections and incidents, near misses and hazards. We encourage our people, suppliers, and customers to aspire to creating zero-harm workplaces through improved health and safety performance. To help employees transition back to work after illness or injury, we actively participate in early return to work and rehabilitation plans. We use both in-house and external expertise to communicate, educate and train our people to improve health and safety awareness and performance.
Our business operations frequently take employees off-site to work with clients and commercial partners. These may be high-risk environments and we have strict procedures to ensure our employees comply with the on-site occupational health and safety policies stipulated by the client or partner organization or, where these are considered inadequate by the employee, with good practice.
Tait Communications Global Quality Policy
More details on Tait's Global Quality Policy can be found here.
Tait Communications has a brand promise that encapsulates everything we do:
To deliver on the Tait corporate purpose (a sustainable flow of benefits to clients, communities, and employees) as set up by our founder and as overviewed by our shareholders, Tait Communications orientates its business around our clients' objectives - so we can truly align ourselves behind a single purpose: to create safer, more resilient communities by unifying our clients' critical communications.
Our global quality policy plays a critical role in our promise and purpose, with global and regional leadership teams committed to applying these quality principles throughout the organisation as we strive to anticipate, satisfy and adapt to our clients' needs:
- Our aim is to establish and nurture long-term, strategic relationships with our clients and to be regarded as trusted advisors to their business unlocking real value from the solutions we develop with them.
- We understand that everything we do for our clients – products, software, hardware, applications, services and solutions – is inter-related, so we review our processes and policies to make sure we are delivering each element with the same consistency, efficiency and effectiveness.
- We work hard to continually improve our overall performance so that we become more flexible and consistent in the delivery of products, services and solutions to our clients.
- We establish clear responsibilities and accountabilities for key activities; these activities are designed, evaluated and refined to achieve the desired outcomes for our organisation and our clients.
- We value and trust the decisions our colleagues make when working closely with our clients. We aim to learn lessons quickly – both where things have succeeded and where they have failed – and we aim to build on this through factual analysis balanced with experience and intuition.
- Our core brand values – commitment to listen, courage to act and integrity to deliver what we promised – are embedded in every task we perform, individually and as teams, when working with our clients and partners.
- All Tait employees are given opportunities to enhance their skills, knowledge and experience because we know our continuing success is wholly dependent on a fully-motivated, committed and engaged global team, where expertise and experience are deployed and shared to the benefit of our colleagues, our clients and our communities.
Tait Communications Environmental Policy
Tait appreciates the combined importance of innovative progression, along with the importance of environmental responsibility. We strive to find the best means of achieving both in our fast-paced world. Read more about how this is realized in our Environmental Policy..
Our Vision:
We recognise the importance of environmental responsibility and strive to find ways to reduce our impact on the environment.
The principals we follow:
We undertake to protect the environment, for current and future generations by minimising the environmental impact of our activities and striving to continually improve our environmental performance.
Our approach is to promote sound environmental management in a technically and financially appropriate way, to be honest and ethical, true to our values and act with integrity.
To support our goal, Tait has focused our attention on these key environmental initiatives:
- Reduce the energy consumption of our facilities, and products, and support our clients' objectives to do the same.
- Ensure we comply with environmental legislation and strive to perform better than required when we can.
- Actively pursue the prevention of pollution by continually monitoring and improving our environmental management system and incorporating environmentally friendly technologies in our infrastructure and products.
- Minimise the amount of waste we produce. Recycle and reuse materials when we can.
- Consider and look after natural resources such as energy, minerals, and water and protect cultural and biodiversity.
In working towards our chosen objectives, we will do the following:
- Tait will seek to understand the environmental implications of current and planned activities.
- Tait will seek to adopt technologies that reduce the company's environmental impacts.
- Tait will evaluate the environmental impact of any new product developments, over the lifecycle of that product, and seek to maximise the use of recyclable, reusable or renewable materials.
- Tait will maintain an effective environmental management system.
- Tait will establish clear environmental targets to measure our performance.
- Tait will strive to reduce energy consumption and promote the efficient use of energy, materials and natural resources in all business activities.
- Tait will strive to minimise waste and maximise the reuse or recycling of discarded materials from all business activities.
- Tait will raise environmental awareness, and provide training, so that employees can effectively contribute towards environmental responsibility.
- Tait will strive to reduce or eliminate all hazardous substances and technologies used in its products and processes.
Tait Information Security Policy
More details on Tait's Information Security Policy can be found here.
Information Security Management System
Tait understands that information systems, and the information and data they contain, are fundamental for the daily operations and effective provision of services. Accordingly, Tait Services comply to ISO27001:2013 standards and are certified through independent third-party audit on an annual basis.
Tait thus implements adequate procedures and controls to protect confidentiality, maintain integrity, and ensure availability of all information stored, processed and transmitted through information systems managed by Tait on behalf of Tait Customers.
Corporate Social Responsibility
With humble origins, and as a key player on the Global Market, Tait Communications strives to create and achieve enhanced, safer and more resilient communities. Read our Corporate Social Responsibility Policy for a more in depth insight in to how we realize this goal.
Tait Spirit: People – Planet - Purpose
Inspired by our founder, Sir Angus Tait, who saw business profits as an opportunity to help grow communities; Tait Communications continues to embrace social responsibility as a core purpose.
This document outlines the guiding principles for Corporate Social Responsibility at Tait Communications.
Tait Communications sustainability program is built around three pillars:
- People – our people, the people we work with and the communities we work in depend on us to do the right thing.
- Planet – we strive to find ways to reduce any negative impact we may have on the environment.
- Purpose - the reason we exist;
- offer solutions to our clients' problems (increasing safety and productivity),
- positively contribute to our communities and the environment,
- contribute to the development of the industry in which we work,
- as well as the individual reasons (personal motivations) for why we do what we do.
For us, Corporate Social Responsibility is not about simply complying with legislation and conformance policies. It’s about doing the right thing. We want others to see our commitment to 'people, planet, purpose' as a genuine business proposition and a meaningful commitment to a better world.
Tait colleagues around the world consider people, planet and purpose in our everyday interactions and decision-making. We aspire to be leaders in social responsibility.
We are dedicated to delivering one key company-wide CSR initiative each year and to raising awareness of all CSR activities that Tait is involved in. We ensure that our commitment to this manifesto is global not local.
This manifesto applies to all Tait Communications colleagues.
What this manifesto means for you…
People (colleagues, clients and communities)
We know that our colleagues want to do the right thing by each other, our clients and our communities. For that reason, we all adhere to our Business Conduct and Code of Ethics (Doc 4285).
We are committed to enhancing and promoting workplace diversity. Evidence shows that we can learn more from those who are different to us than from those who are the same. We believe that having a diverse workforce allows us to draw on a wide range of perspectives that help to drive innovation and competitive advantage. A diverse workforce not only leads to better business results but also makes Tait Communications a more enjoyable place to work.
We value the communities in which we live and work. Our reputation is important to our brand and to us personally. We recognise the significance of safe and resilient communities and strive to be a responsible partner in the communities in which we and our clients operate. We do this by supporting our communities financially and by volunteering our time.
Tait colleagues are able to volunteer on company time for approved causes.
Planet (The Environment)
"I believe taking action on our environmental sustainability is vital for New Zealand and the world." – Sir Angus Tait.
Good environmental practices and the impact that our operations have on our environment are of great importance to Tait. We have a strong commitment to adopt responsible practices and aim to leave the planet in a better state than we found it in.
Fundamentally, our clients seek to make their communities safer – so, by extension, that is the purpose that drives us, too.
We exist as an organisation to help solve our clients' problems through the innovative use of critical communications, but, while we may be a technology business, it's the wellbeing and fair treatment of people that sits at the core of everything we do.
The choices we make every day are founded on that ethos: our colleagues, partners, suppliers, clients and communities always get "the best of Tait".
We strongly support our founder's vision "…to create an industry, not just a business", so our social obligations go beyond our own commercial success.
Through the Tait Foundation we're committed to donating a substantial percentage of our profits to charities every year, and people across our organisation regularly make person contributions to good causes all over the world.
For us, our CSR purpose can be explained in five simple terms:
- We will comply with all relevant laws, regulations and environmental policies in every country in which we operate.
- No employee will suffer harassment, physical or mental punishment, or any other type of abuse. Employees will be given adequate, safe and healthy working conditions including wages and working hours that comply with relevant local laws and regulations.
- Employees will not be required to work more than 60 hours per week, including overtime, except in extraordinary business circumstances and then with their consent or where the nature of the position requires such work, such as for exempt employees and employees in executive, managerial or professional positions. In countries where the maximum work week is shorter, that standard shall apply. Employees shall be allowed at least one day off during every seven day work week.
- We will never use or support the use of forced labour. Forced, bonded (including debt bondage) or indentured labour; involuntary prison labour; slavery or trafficking of persons shall never be tolerated. This includes transporting, harbouring, recruiting, transferring, or receiving persons by means of threat, force, coercion, abduction or fraud for labour or services. There shall be no unreasonable restrictions on workers’ freedom of movement in the facility in addition to unreasonable restrictions on entering or exiting company-provided facilities. As part of the hiring process, workers will be provided with a written employment agreement in their native language that contains a description of terms and conditions of employment prior to the worker departing from his or her country of origin. Employment is voluntary and employees shall be free to terminate their employment at any time. Tait commit to only working with licensed recruitment agents who comply with all applicable labour laws and company codes of conduct. Employers and agents may not hold or otherwise destroy, conceal, confiscate, or deny access by employees to employees’ identity or immigration documents, such as government-issued identification, passports, or work permits, unless such holdings are required by law. Workers shall not be required to pay employers’ or agents’ recruitment fees or other related fees for their employment. If any such fees are found to have been paid by workers, such fees shall be repaid to the worker.
- Tait will not use child labour. The term “child” refers to any employed person under the age of 15, or under the age for completing compulsory education, or under the minimum age for employment in the country, whichever is greatest. We support the use of legitimate workplace learning, internship, and other similar programs which comply with all laws and regulations applicable to such programs. Employees under the age of 18 (Young Workers) shall not perform work that is likely to jeopardize their health or safety including night shift and overtime. Tait shall ensure proper management of student workers through proper maintenance of student records, rigorous due diligence of educational partners, and protection of students’ rights in accordance with applicable law and regulations, and will provide appropriate support and training to all student workers. In the unlikely event that an instance of child labour is discovered, the matter will be referred to the General Manager Corporate for immediate corrective action.
- All goods and services will be supplied in accordance with any quality and safety criteria specified in the relevant contracts and will be safe when used for their original purposes.
- No illegitimate means will be used to guarantee the supply of goods and services.
We require our suppliers, subcontractors, clients and partners to comply with every aspect of our CSR purpose.
Conflict Minerals
Tait Communications will not knowingly purchase any products which contain conflict minerals that do not originate from a certified Conflict-Free Smelter (CFS) and is taking steps to ensure that our suppliers likewise support these efforts and make information on the origin of their product components easily accessible on their websites. Tait Communications requires suppliers to comply with our Supplier Code of Conduct and to source materials from conflict-free, ethical sources and to confirm this to us on request.
Slavery and Human Trafficking
Tait Communications is committed to ensuring that its business does not directly or indirectly support slavery and trafficking activity whether in our supply chain or throughout our business. Further we are committed to building awareness in our business and supply chains to address the challenges of modern slavery and human trafficking. Read our full policy.
More Information
For more information about our Corporate Social Responsibility Manifesto, contact us.