Police Nationale Congolaise, DRC
The Police Nationale Congolaise is the national police force in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) – the third largest country in Africa.

"After decades of civil war there is no infrastructure to speak of, no spectrum management capability and a dire shortage of skills. One cannot simply deliver tons of radios in the hope that they will be utilized as designed. Emcom are committed to train and support the PNC; we offered a sustainable solution with Tait products."
After decades of civil war, the first democratic elections in forty years were to be held in the DRC.
The Police Nationale Congolaise (PNC) was responsible for maintaining civil order during this time and required simple, cost-effective, yet reliable communications.
Financed by the United Nations Development Program, a radio communications tender requirement was published and released into the open market.
Tait's authorized dealer Emcom Africa responded to the tender, offering Tait portable and mobile radios within a tight timeframe.
Impressed by the high audio quality and ruggedness of the terminals, the PNC sought consultation from the South Africa Police (SAPS), a long standing Tait customer. After positive feedback from SAPS and extensive field trials in the Congo, the PNC chose Tait products to be used on their existing radio network.
Although tight timeframes for the rollout of these 10,000 radios proved to be a challenge for both Tait and Emcom, the terminals were manufactured, airlifted across the DRC to remote locations and set up in time for the election process.
The PNC was highly satisfied with the performance of the Tait radios throughout the election process. They commented that the terminals allowed for steady and reliable communications at all times.
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