Solutions for Law enforcement and police

Man Down and Lone Worker
Tait portable and mobile radios are equipped with Man Down and Lone Worker, ensuring you are the first to know if they have an accident or need help. Man Down uses a tilt sensor and timer in our radios to recognize a change. If an officer with a portable falls or a car with a mobile rolls, dispatch will immediately receive an alarm. Lone Worker provides a timer, and if the officer doesn't check back in before the timer ends, dispatch will again receive notification. When coupled with our Location Services, you'll also know exactly where the officer in distress is located.

Reliable voice communications
Clear, reliable voice functionality across your network delivers crystal clear call quality so that messages come through clearly. When it comes to great coverage, Tait simulcast networks and coverage design are second to none. Tait TeamPTT ensures that even without access to their radio, officers and administration can speak directly over the network through their smartphone, at any time. Partnered with Seamless Roaming, our innovation connects you automatically to the strongest available network, guaranteeing you'll be able to get through no matter where you are.

Tough portables for tough environments
From design to manufacture to field use, our radios are built tough. Tait Tough portables have been engineered with the durability officers need to survive demanding environments. Our Intrinsically Safe portables are engineered to operate safely in hazardous environments, keeping your people safe while they get the job done.

Secure communications
Our P25 platform delivers market-leading security to help public safety agencies protect their communications systems and information from attack and inadvertent harm. With FIPs approved 256 bit AES encryption, award-winning Key Management Facility, and ability to remotely disable lost or stolen radios, Tait network information security exceeds expectations on information protection.
"The radio system has helped improve our response times, which helps us better meet the needs of our community and our citizens that live here."

Take your WiFi with you
TAIT AXIOM Mobiles turns your mobile radio into a vehicle area network, connecting you to Cellular, LTE, or LMR. This allows officers to work on and submit reports straight from their vehicles, rather than waste time driving all the way back to the station. This helps keep officers away from their desks and out on the streets, continuing to serve their communities.

Faster response times
Good communication with dispatch is key to field officers needing to know when and where assistance is needed. Our dispatch solutions incorporate display consoles and data provided by GPS services, which allows dispatchers to quickly identify and guide the nearest officers to areas by the fastest routes available.

Quick, easy management
Update, manageand report on your entire radio fleet with Tait Enable tools. By using Over-the-Air-Programming (OTAP), you can deliver updates without officers needing to bring their radios back to the station. The software even alerts you if an update fails, ensuring you maintain consistent results across your fleet. Reports and monitoring are also centralized, making it quick and easy to call up information.

Clear Voice
Repeating yourself multiple times is frustrating and slows things down. Thanks to Tait coverage design and audio clarity of our terminal radios, your organization won't be slowed down with poor audio quality. Instant playback of audio is available with our Tait Unified Vehicle solution, allowing individual users to replay audio without disturbing the network.
Andalucian Regional Government - Spain

Proven Interoperability
We partner with interoperability experts to provide seamless, unified mission critical communications solutions. Our interoperability solutions enable your organization to continue using existing radio and communications systems while upgrading your network or equipment at your own pace. This eliminates system downtime, keeping your personnel connected.

Agency interoperability
The Tait P25 platform has been engineered to exceed interoperability expectations with full adherence to the P25 standards. Our products and systems are tested to ensure they can be deployed seamlessly alongside other vendor's standard based products and systems, allowing agencies to communicate in mutual-aid or multi-agency situations.

Take your WiFi with you
TAIT AXIOM Mobiles is a platform for your officers' mobile radios that creates a network of networks, providing access to LTE through WiFi wherever they go. This provides redundancy, ensuring that officers can communicate and have access to data and vital information wherever they are.

Talk to anyone, anywhere, any time
Tait TeamPTT allows officers to call in to their radio network from a smartphone application, so as long as they have an internet connection, they can communicate with dispatch and other field officers from anywhere in the world.

Total fleet visibility
Tait EnableFleet gives network managers complete visibility and management of their entire radio fleet from one central point. By knowing the status of your entire network in real-time, you're able to ensure consistent configuration and updates. Our powerful OTAP abilities make configuration and firmware updates a breeze!

Network health monitoring
Tait EnableMonitor gives network managers assurance that their network is operating as expected. Real-time status reports, alerts, and alarms ensure that you can quickly identify and resolve any issues that may occur before they impact your system.

Easily optimize performance
Tait EnableInsight helps you visualize the performance of your network in real-time and utilize this data to optimize outcomes. The monitoring and analysis provided by EnableInsight is automated, reducing the amount of time network managers need to spend overseeing performance.

Smart security
Tait EnableProtect gives network managers several ways to easily protect and ensure the safety of their system. The Advanced System Key feature provides layers of security, giving you confidence that your fleet won't be interfered with by unauthorized users. Key Management Facility centralizes encryption, making it easier to manage and update encryption keys across your organization, and Key Fill Device makes encrypting digital radios efficient and as error-free as possible.