Our Causes
Tait Communications is committed to helping create better, safer and more resilient communities.
Tait's founder, Sir Angus Tait, aimed to "create an industry, not a business". The charitable foundation which is the principal shareholder of Tait Communications is charged with supporting education.
The commercial company helps pursue Sir Angus's vision by supporting various industry organizations, including:
Supporting Education and the Industry

Australian Radio Communications Industry Association (ARCIA)
ARCIA is the national industry body representing the united voice of the two-way and associated wireless radio communications industry in Australia. ARCIA is a not-for-profit, incorporated Association that is focused on the spectrum, training and professional standards required for the long term vitality of the industry. Tait is an ARCIA Accredited Member and Silver Partner, and since 2009, offers a Sir Angus Tait Scholarship that is intended to provide encouragement to students actively pursuing study, which will lead to a career in radio communications. The scholarship is open to radio communications students across Australia who are ARCIA Members. www.arcia.org.au

Radio Frequency Users Association of New Zealand (RFUANZ)
The RFUANZ is a non-profit organization that aims to protect the rights of organizations and individuals who require radio/wireless spectrum access, promote awareness that spectrum is a finite resource and is under increasing pressure from competing interests, and to preserve a collective voice for member organizations and users throughout New Zealand that depend on equitable and fair access to the radio/wireless spectrum. Tait is a member of the RFUANZ and has sponsored the Industry Excellence Awards since their inauguration in 2012 and is the Principal Sponsor of the 2015 conference. https://rfuanz.org.nz/

Radio Academy
Tait is proud to be sponsoring the new Radio Academy, a free online school dedicated to providing great tutorial content that shares and improves everyone's radio knowledge. www.taitradioacademy.com/

Utilities Technology Council Foundation
The Foundation’s mission is “to sponsor educational incentives and programs to attract, retain and support top technology and telecommunications talent to foster the future workforce in critical infrastructure industries.” Read more about Tait support for the UTC foundation on our blog or visit their website.

Australasian Critical Communications Forum (ACCF)
The Australasian Critical Communications Forum (ACCF), formerly the Australasian TETRA and Critical Communications Forum is a local chapter, based in Australia, of the The international Critical Communications Forum (TCCA).
More information on ACCF at criticalcommsforum.com.au

New Zealand Hi-Tech Awards
The Hi-Tech Awards are an annual celebration of New Zealand's technology enterprise and the people who make it so successful. Tait Communications' founder, Sir Angus Tait, encouraged others to establish technology businesses in order to build a thriving industry in New Zealand. Sir Angus was the inaugural winner of the Hi-Tech Flying Kiwi Award for lifetime achievement. Tait helps to keep Sir Angus' spirit alive by sponsoring the Flying Kiwi Award. www.hitech.org.nz

iCERT (Industry Council for Emergency Response Technology)
iCERT is dedicated to improving public safety through innovation. iCERT will lead the emergency response industry’s efforts to promote growth and investment by facilitating industry collaboration, advancing effective public policies, and developing best practices.

UBBA (Utilities Broadband Alliance)
UBBA is a collaboration of utilities and ecosystem partners dedicated to championing the advancement and development of private broadband networks for America’s critical infrastructure industries.

ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute)
Tait is a member of ETSI, a European Standards Organization (ESO) and the recognized regional standards body dealing with telecommunications, broadcasting and other electronic communications networks and services. ETSI partners with 3GPP helping to develop 4G and 5G mobile communications. ETSI works with partners around the globe in the oneM2M partnership project to develop standards for machine-to-machine communications.

3GPP (Third Generation Partnership Project)
Tait is a member of the 3GPP. This project is helping to develop 4G and 5G mobile communications, and working with partners around the globe in the oneM2M partnership project to develop standards for machine-to-machine communications.

PMeV - Professioneller Mobilfunk e.V
Professional mobile radio association in Germany

Federation of communication services in UK

PTIG (P25 Technology Interest Group)
IT for Public Transport - Principal Member
Supporting those who support us

Australasian Council of Women and Policing
Tait is a sponsor of the annual Excellence in Policing Awards, which provides the opportunity to publicly acknowledge and reward the achievements of those men and women contributing to improving the policing services provided to women, improve opportunities and outcomes for women within policing and participate in the global network of women in policing. www.acwap.com.au

Australasian Fire and Emergency Service Authorities Council (AFAC)
AFAC is the peak body for Australasian fire, land management and emergency services, creating synergy across the industry. AFAC are leaders in managing risk, preparing for and responding to emergencies and strive to be recognized and respected as a world leader in delivering collaborative and innovative services promoting excellence in fire and emergency management. Tait is a long-term Major Corporate Supporter of AFAC and also sponsored the production of the Australasian Inter-Service Incident Management System (AIIMS-4) AIDES-MEMOIRE Incident Checklist application. www.afac.com.au

Australasian Police and Emergency Services Games (AP&ES Games)
The biennial AP&ES Games bring together Police and Emergency Services personnel from Australia, New Zealand and other Pacific nations for friendly sporting competitions. The AP&ES Games builds camaraderie and promotes a healthy life style through the participation in sport, while heightening the public's awareness of Police and Emergency Services. Tait has sponsored the 2012 Games in Wellington, 2014 Games in Melbourne and is a Foundation Sponsor of the Games Federation.

FBI National Academy Associates (FBI NAA)
The FBI NAA is a not-for-profit, international organization of nearly 18,000 senior law enforcement professionals dedicated to providing communities, states, countries, and the profession with the highest degree of law enforcement expertise, training, education and information. Tait has been a sponsor and supporter of the FBI NAA Asia-Pacific Chapter since 2009. www.fbinaa.org

Melbourne Firefighter Stair Climb (Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre)
Inspired by the NZ Sky Tower Stair Challenge, Australia also hosts an event for the fire fighting community to compete, wearing full firefighting kit weighing 25kg, and raise money for charity. In 2015, this event is raising money for Cancer research and treatment at the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre www.petermac.org. Tait Communications is a proud sponsor of the event. www.firefighterclimb.org.au

New Zealand Paramedic Education & Research Charitable Trust
The New Zealand Paramedic Education & Research Charitable Trust was established in 2011 to promote and support paramedic education, research and career development in New Zealand. It supports the study of paramedicine through the provision of undergraduate and postgraduate degree scholarships, and aims to advance the research of pre-hospital care through disseminating research grants to individuals and organizations, to undertake essential research in the ambulance field.

Police Legacy & National Remembrance Day (Australasia and South-West Pacific Region)
Each year, the 29th September holds a special significance for Police throughout Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Samoa and the Solomon Islands. National Police Remembrance Day (NPRD) is a day for police to pause to honor officers who have lost their lives while performing their duty as a police officer, or through illness or other circumstances. NPRD ribbons are worn in honor of these officers and all proceeds go to Police Legacy, which supports families of police officers who have died. www.afp.gov.au

St John Youth
St John Youth is New Zealand's leading youth program for young people from six to 18 years, and offers opportunities for those interested in leadership development. Programs encourage discovery, adventure and learning. There are more than 7,200 St John Youth members nationwide. youth.stjohn.org.nz

Wreaths Across America
From the Remembrance Trees dedicated to our lost servicemen and women, to the WAA Museum at our headquarters in Maine, Wreaths Across America connects with the families and friends of fallen servicemen and women, to keep their memories alive all year long. www.wreathsacrossamerica.org

British APCO
British Association of Public Safety Communications Officials

The Information Technology Disaster Resource Center
The Information Technology Disaster Resource Center (ITDRC) was founded in 2008 to provide communities with the technical resources necessary to continue operations and begin recovery after a disaster. We harness the collective resources of the technology community to provide no cost Information, Communications, and Technology (ICT) solutions that connect survivors and responders in crisis. www.itdrc.org

New Zealand Land Search and Rescue
As a proud New Zealand company, Tait are delighted to support Land Search and Rescue (LandSAR) in New Zealand. Our country invites outdoor pursuits but it’s sometimes challenging environment and conditions can catch out even well-prepared explorers. LandSAR is a national volunteer organisation, with charitable status, which provides land search and rescue services to lost, missing, and injured all over New Zealand. Their volunteers operate in suburban, urban, wilderness and rural areas including regional and forest parks, shorelines, canyons, and caves. www.landsar.org.nz
Supporting Charity and Community

Canterbury Charity Hospital Trust
The Canterbury Charity Hospital Trust was formed to provide free, elective day-surgery and medical consultations for some people in the Canterbury community who would otherwise not have access to such services. Numerous doctors, nurses, health professionals and public-spirited people have volunteered their time and expertise to help make the Charity Hospital a success. The hospital is not government-funded and is financed by donations, grants and support from the wider community. www.charityhospital.org.nz

Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center
Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center partners with the community to help save and sustain lives by providing a safe supply of blood, blood components and related services. Serving the largest medical campus in the world, The Blood Center serves more than 170 hospitals and health care institutions in the 26-county Texas Gulf Coast, Brazos Valley and East Texas regions. To meet the needs of the area community, The Blood Center must collect about 1,000 donations every day. www.giveblood.org

Houston Food Bank
The Houston Food Bank is a solution to both hunger and food waste. America’s largest and nationally recognized as Feeding America’s Food Bank of the Year in 2015, the Food Bank distributes 83 million nutritious meals through its network of 600 food pantries, soup kitchens, shelters and other hunger relief charities in southeast Texas, feeding 800,000 individuals each year. www.houstonfoodbank.org

Ronald McDonald House Charities NZ and USA
Since 1989, Ronald McDonald House Charities has been creating, finding and supporting programs that directly improve the health and well-being of children. Its core programs are focused on helping families in need, and are developed after long-term research and evaluation to ensure it is meeting the needs of children and families in the best possible ways. www.rmhc.org